The month of Ramadan is here and now!  Muslims all over the world find themselves praying more, fasting, spending time in their communities, and giving of themselves to charities and causes.  What a time to rejoice and build a closer relationship to self and to God.   There are so many misconceptions about Muslims or people of other faiths in general.  However, rather than focusing on the negativity and lies from the media, let’s honor the beauty within it.

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Ramadan is the holy month for Muslims all around the world.  Because Islam is the second largest religion in the world, there are a lot of Muslims who are overjoyed for Ramadan.  Each and every member of the faith,  except those, of course, who are suffering from an illness or diabetic, traveling, are elderly, pregnant or breastfeeding or going through their menstrual bleeding, will spend the month fasting. Persons who miss days of fasting due to these reasons must make up the days when able.  During this time, Muslims not only fast, but they also refrain from certain activities that are considered bad deeds and do their best to stay humble. In addition, during this time Muslims are also abstinent. Truth is, you do not have to be a Muslim to partake in Ramadan. You can also choose to observe these principles at any time of the year. The pillars of Islam are:

  • Shahadah (Faith)
  • Salat (Prayer)
  • Fasting (Sawm)
  • Zakat (Charity)
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

During this time, the awakening that your soul has is magnified as you become closer to yourself and closer to those around you as you share with your community.  As with many faiths, prayer is the foundation of Islam.  Faith and devotion are heightened as prayer and scripture reading increases during the month of Ramadan.  For many, this is also a time of renewed faith.  During Ramadan, intentions and deeds are also magnified.  As such, many Muslims also fulfill Zakat, which is charity or alms-giving to those in need.  This can be in the form of feeding the hungry, clothing drives, or other positive acts.

One of my favorite parts of Ramadan is being invited to spend time with my friends who are Muslims and enjoying delicious sweets such as Bean Pie or date milk. I am always in awe of the sheer number of people who come out to celebrate and give.  There is always so much love and peace and a sense of wholeness that can be felt throughout.


With love and light,

The Womb Love Box is a curated cruelty-free box of handmade items that support womb wellness and foster a deeper spiritual connection and loving relationship with one’s self.  Each product selected from a variety of womanpreneurs who are dedicated to the service of helping other women feel beautiful and inspired within themselves.   Each monthly box includes 4-6 full-size items which can including handmade soap, aromatherapy, apothecary beauty products, superfood snacks, herbal teas, books, handmade jewelry, and more.