Practical yet Affordable Gift Ideas for Teacher Appreciation


There’s no denying that our life is full of hustle and bustle, and especially as a working woman, there may be a lot of things that you need to take care other than work. We have family obligations, errands, and even personal needs as well.

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Among all of this, it can obviously get quite a bit stressful.  And this is why you might need to take a rest and relax. But how do you make most out of this time? Here are some of the best practices to relieve and calm your mind:

1.   Yoga: Yoga is one of the most popular, inexpensive and effective ways to relax your mind. And don’t worry, you won’t be expected to perform the complicated moves done by expert yogis, you can simply stick to the basic and easy moves in a variety of classes held at different levels.  You will still feel the differences as you have more energy, more flexibility, more endurance, and a peaceful mind.

2.   Herbal remedies: Forget your commercial painkillers as they won’t do anything other than providing temporary relief and causing much more bodily harm in the long run. Herbal remedies, although sometimes slow in effect, will benefit your body in more ways than one. Some great teas include chamomile, red raspberry, and lemon balm.  Also, a drink from sea moss, also called Irish Sea moss, has 92 vitamins, minerals, and elements.  It also contains proteins.  Eating a food rich in nutrients helps to alleviate symptoms and keeps the body functioning at its best.  Herbs such as ginger, lemon peel, and lavender can be added to a hot bath to promote relaxation and a feeling of calm.

3.   Diet: Let’s face it, the 21st-century diet is nothing but a bunch of fried foods that decrease our activeness, our peace of mind and our overall health. Free radicals in our foods also cause various dis-eases and cause mucus to build up in the body.  While they might taste good, we believe it’s not worth the tradeoffs that you get. Instead, changing your diet to something a little bit more natural such as fruits, and whole grains is much more beneficial as well as tasteful (there are a bunch of different recipes just a search click away). Keep in mind that switching to a healthy diet is a slow process and any attempts of completely abandoning your current eating habits to a new one wouldn’t work unless you are a person with absolute control over her willpower.

4.   Fasting: It has been scientifically proven that actually refraining yourself from eating anything can have a lot of benefits, even if you temporarily feel hungry and weak when you first begin. Studies show that during a fast, you can actually notice lower blood pressure, weight loss and many more health benefits provided that you stay consistent.  Now there are many types of fasts, both long and intermittent.  There are water fasts, juice fasts, and even dry fasts.  Abstaining from a particular type of food such as no burgers for a week is not fasting.  Even the lemonade diet is not a fast, but a tool.  You may also want to have doctor approval or the support of friends and family while completing a fast.

5.   Walking or Biking:  These gentle exercises allow for large doses of oxygen to immediately get to the brain which enables your brain to better function and allow you to decompress pent up feelings or stress.  In addition to the oxygen increase, walking and biking also improve blood circulation to the brain and body.

6.   Avoiding Caffeine:  Although caffeine works great as a “pick me up” and initial improved concentration when you are feeling drained or agitated, it is not something that you would want to put in your body.  Consuming caffeine will make those symptoms worse and also may cause brain fog.  High doses of caffeine can cause dehydration, trouble sleeping and insomnia, anxiety, and an upset stomach.  A typical morning routine may include coffee, but coffee is not the only drink or food that contains caffeine.  Caffeine can also be found in some teas, soda, chocolate, some ice creams, medications, and energy drinks (including some energy water brands).   Even decaf coffee contains up to 20 milligrams of caffeine.

7.   Journaling:  Journaling allows you to get out your feelings and thoughts on paper so that you can safely and privately release how you feel.  It allows you to really get to know yourself and understand your own point of view.  When you write in a journal, you can get out how your truly feel inside without having any fear or anxiety of how someone may take it or feel about your thoughts.   Since you are then able to be more honest about how you feel, you are able to gain a deeper insight into your emotions and the possible root causes.


8.   Talking About It:  Talking about your feelings with someone you trust, like a friend or therapist, will strengthen you both physically and emotionally.  These therapeutic sessions can help to release stress, anxiety, and other emotions such as anger or depression.  Having someone to listen to you, rather than judge, can make you feel safe.  This is something that we all need.  You can also work with this trusted individual to come up with a plan that includes some positive steps that you can take to resolve the issues that you may be having in your life.

9.   Meditation:  Meditation is one of my favorite things to do.  I love the quiet and the alone time with myself and my thoughts.  Meditating can help to give you a sense of calm and peace, which allows you to be more focused.  Some people couple meditation with yoga or deep breathing exercises.  You can as well or use it alone.  I personally prefer the quiet time.  Meditation helps to be able to assert self-control over your own actions and experiences.  Through meditative states of mind, you can shift from negative to positive and also learn to remain in that positive space throughout your day, week, or so on.

Earth Mama Angel Baby

10.   Crafts or Hobbies:  Crafts and hobbies allow us to keep ourselves busy and thrusted into an activity that we may find calming and relaxing such as knitting, scrapbook making, painting, or even boat making.  The list of possibilities is endless.  Designated time can be spent each week participating in something that is enjoyable and does not feel like work.  Crafting can release stress and promote relaxation, especially when you are having fun or laughing.  When you accomplish something new, your self-esteem will also be boosted.  In addition, when participating in crafts that reuse and recycle materials, you can also potentially declutter your home.

What ways do you relax from a long day?  Do you have any practices that you use to ease your mind?  If so, please share with us at


With love and light,
